【Frontiers of Area Studies】
The purpose of this publication series is to call for outstanding research results in Japan and abroad, have them screened and reviewed by the editorial committee of experts outside of academics, and then release them as commercial publications from Kyoto University Press. The publication is considered part of the activities of CIAS as a joint usage / research center. In particular, we aim to share studies that compare areas and focus on their relationships as well as information related to area studies. Further, we publish promising research results with an eye to breaking new ground for area studies, such as area informatics, as we seek to become an international information channel that explores the frontier of area studies.
Noboru Ishikawa (ed.). Flows and Movements in Southeast Asia
New Approaches to Transnationalism. Kyoto University Press.
Yusuke Murakami, Hiroyuki Yamamoto & Hiromi Komori (eds.).
Enduring States: In the Face of Challenges from Within and
Without, Kyoto University Press, 2011-3.
Ken-ichi Abe & James E. Nickum (eds.). Good Earths: Regional
and Historical Insights into China’s Environment. Kyoto
University Press, 2009-2.
【Monographs and Edited Volumes】
We publish the findings of area studies in various languages
Wil de Jong, Denyse Snelder & Noboru Ishikawa (eds.).
Transborder governance of forests, rivers and
trees. Earthscan London. 2010.
David Lim & Yamamoto Hiroyuki (eds.). Film in
Contemporar y Southeast Asia: Cultural
Interpretation and Social Intervention. Routledge.
Yukio Hayashi. พุทธศาสนาเช ิงปฏ ิบัต ิของคนไทยอ ีสาน:
ศาสนาในความเป ็น ภ ูม ิภาค (PRATICAL
Chulalongkorn University Press, 478p. 2011-9.
Yamamoto Hiroyuki, Anthony Milner, Kawashima
Midori & Arai Kazuhiro (eds.). Bangsa and
Umma: Development of People-Grouping
Concepts in Islamized Southeast Asia. Kyoto
University Press. 2011.
Yusuke Murakami (ed.). Perú en la era del Chino: la
política no institucionalizada y el pueblo en busca
de un Salvador. 2ª. edición, Ideología y política 27,
Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos y Center for
Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University, 698p.
(1ª. edición, 2007, 715p). 2012.
Yusuke Murakami. Dinámica político-económica de los países andinos. América
problema 34, Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos y Center for Integrated Area
Stuidies, Kyoto University, 390p. 2012.
Wil de Jong Sociedad bosquesina Tomo I. Tarea Asociacion Grafica Educativa. 292p.
Wil de Jong Sociedad bosquesina Tomo II. Tarea Asociacion Grafica Educativa. 380p.
貴志俊彦 (Toshihiko Kishi),土屋由香 (Yuka Tsuchiya),林鴻亦 (Lin Hungyi)(eds.).
美國在亞洲的文化冷戰 (The U.S.A.'s Cultural Cold War in Asia). 稲郷出版社,
Taiwan. 2012-6.
(Toshihiko Kishi), (Yuka Tsuchiya) (eds.), (Ryeosil
Kim)(trans.). (De-Centering the
Cultural Cold War : The U.S. and Asia). Seoul. 2012-6.
Yusuke Murakami (ed.). América Latina en la era posneoliberal: democracia,
conflictos y desigualdad. América problema 37, Lima: Instituto de Estudios
Peruanos y Center for Integrated Area Stuidies, Kyoto University, 246p. 2013.
Yusuke Murakami (ed.). La actualidad política de los países andonos centrales en el
gobierno de izquierda. América problema 39, Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos
y Center for Integrated Area Stuidies, Kyoto University, 125p. 2014.
【CIAS Discussion Papers】
These discussion papers are published to ensure the quick release of research results by CIAS faculty members and researchers as well as those from joint studies. In addition to papers, we release a variety of research results, such as research reports, reference materials, annotated bibliographies, and records on workshops and symposia under the responsibility of the CIAS faculty overseeing the author (editor).
【Journal in Area Studies】
CIAS biannually publishes JCAS Review, a Japanese academic journal edited by the editorial committee under JCAS. It features articles that consider global issues from the perspective of area studies as well as papers curated through open submission and review.