報告会/ワークショップ “The role of Japanese Foreign Direct Investment in production networks in Mexico and Thailand” 開催のお知らせ
メキシコ・グアダラハラ大学人文社会科学学部太平洋学科教授で、この4月より京都大学地域研究統合情報センターの客員教授として来日中のメルバ・ファルク (Melba Falck Reyes) さんに、滞在中の研究成果を発表していただくワークショップ/報告会を開催します。皆様の参加をお待ちいたしております。
日時: 2013年6月27日(木) 14:00~16:00
場所: 京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階小会議室I
発表者:メルバ・ファルク (Melba Falck Reyes)
発表テーマ:“The role of Japanese Foreign Direct Investment in production networks in Mexico and Thailand”
発表要旨:Fragmentation of Production and foreign investment by global Multinationals have played a major role in the formation of regional production networks increasing the flows of trade in intermediate goods among nations and fostering local procurement in the host countries. From the point of view of the host country, this flow of investment can be an opportunity for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to join the global chains of production and become more competitive.
Mexico and Thailand had become, in their respective regions, major players in the automotive industry network and Japanese investment has played an important role in this outcome. This paper looks at the impact of Japanese FDI in the formation of such networks.
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