アンドリヤナ・ツヴェトコヴィチ (Andrijana Cvetkovik) さんに、
You are cordially invited to the seminar by Dr.Andrijana Cvetkovik of
CIAS Visiting Research Fellow;
Associate Professor, European Film & Theater Academy ESRA Paris-Skopje-New York.
日時 Date:2013年10月24日(木)15:00-17:00 Thu. October 24
会場 Venue:京都大学地域研究統合情報センター セミナー室(稲盛財団記念館213号室)
Inamori Kinen Kaikan 2nd floor room 213
報告 Presentation: Andrijana Cvetkovik アンドリヤナ・ツヴェトコヴィチ
“Representation of Japan and Japanese in Contemporary East Asian Cinema:
the Desired, Imagined, Idealised or Demonized Japanese Other”
発表要旨 Abstract:
Due to the Japanese colonial history with East and Southeast Asia, as well as the more recent boom of the Japanese popular culture in Asia, the Japanese stereotype on screen went through numerous transformations in rather short period of time. This research reveals the complex network of long-standing structures of power, collective memory, trends and ideas that operate within a larger context of the pan-Asian cultural map, forming and transforming the image of Japan and Japanese in contemporary Taiwan, China and Korea. From trends of Japanophilia to Japanophobia, the Japanese Other often functions as catalyzer of the post-colonial and post-modern anxieties reflecting on the complex national identity of the increasingly diverse cultural map of East Asia.
連絡先 Contact: 〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田下阿達町46 京都大学地域研究統合情報センター
Tel: 075-753-9616 Fax: 075-753-9602
帯谷 知可 obiya (AT) cias.kyoto-u.ac.jp
二宮 さち子 ninomiya (AT) cias.kyoto-u.ac.jp
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