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A. FLORES URUSHIMA(2009) ” Nishiyama Uzo’s View on the Postwar Modern Way of Living – The Case of Hashima Island “, in Proceedings of the International Conference on East-Asian Architectural Culture (The Society of Architectural Historians of Taiwan), April, Tainan, Taiwan
A. FLORES URUSHIMA(2008) ” Urban Modernization from Far East to Eastern Europe: Tange Kenz? and the Reconstruction Scheme for the Centre of Skopje “, in the IXth International Conference of the European Association for Urban History : Comparative History of European Cities, August, Lyon, France
A. FLORES URUSHIMA(2008) ” Lessons from the History of Megaevent Promotion in Japan for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil “, in Symposium Brazil-Japan in Economy, Science and Technological Innovation 2008, June, Sao Paulo, Brazil
A. FLORES URUSHIMA(2007) ” Transatlantic encounters, “black sheeps” in the islands- a comparative study of Thomas Sharp and Uz? Nishiyama ideas “, in Proceedings of the conference: Visual Planning and Urbanism in the mid-twentieth century, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, September
A. FLORES URUSHIMA (2007)” Genesis and culmination of Uz? Nishiyama proposal of a model core of a future city for the Expo 70 Site (1960-1973) “, in Planning Perspectives vol. 22, London: E. & F.N. Spon, pp. 391-416
A. FLORES URUSHIMA(2006) ” Nishiyama proposals for the urban growth of Japanese Cities within the Expo 70 Site Planning Process “, in Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the International Planning History Society- IPHS. Delhi : Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
A. FLORES URUSHIMA(2006) ” Investigating the origins of the ‘networked compact urban system’ idea in Uz? Nishiyama proposition for the urban growth of Japanese cities “, in Proceedings of the Conference Reassessing East Asia in the Light of Urban and Architectural History, Kyoto : The Society of Architectural Historians of Japan, December, pp.519-27
A. FLORES URUSHIMA(2005) ” The Expo 70 as a debate for the creation of democratic cities “, in Ekistics: the problems and science of human settlements (Globalization and local identity). Greece: The Athens Technological Organization, Vol. 73, pp.301-310
A. FLORES URUSHIMA(2005)”Building for the encampments of MST”, in S. FUNO (ed.), Sekai J?kyoshi [Houses across the world]. Kyoto: Showado, 2005, pp. 338-9「ブラジルの仮設野営地」布野修司『世界住居誌』京都:昭和堂、338-9頁、2005
A. FLORES URUSHIMA(2005) ” The paradoxical future vision of urbanity expressed by the Expo 70s Festival Plaza”, in Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F, City Planning, Building Economics and Housing Problems, history and theory of Architecture. Tokyo: AIJ, September, pp. 929?30「1970年大阪万博お祭り広場によって演出された都会性という矛盾した未来への視点」『学術講演梗概集。F、都市計画、建築経済・住宅問題、建築歴史・意匠』東京:日本建築学会、929-30頁
A. FLORES URUSHIMA et. al.(2001)”Environmental Design 3rd prize: Project of settlement for Landless Workers Movement” in SOOK, Lee Yeun (ed.) Awarded design portfolio for the New Millennium Environment. Seoul: Institute of Millennium Environmental Design Research, pp. 22-5.
(2009)” Megaevent promotion and modernization: the propositions for planning the 1970 Osaka Expo for the renovation of urban development mechanisms “, in International Symposium: 20th Century Great Events – Architecture, Planning and Urban Development (DiAP – Politecnico di Milano), April, Milan, Italy
(2009) ” A view of another: introduction to a Japanese meta-geography of the Latin American Modern Architecture “, in Ambiguous Territories: Articulating New Geographies in Latin American Modern Architecture and Urbanism (GSAPP- Columbia University), March, New York, USA
(2008) ” The celebration of the 100 years of the Meiji Revolution (1968) and the dissemination of an urban design from Japan into a global scale “, in International Symposium Brazil-Japan: Urban Modernization and Contemporary Culture, October, S?o Paulo, Brazil
(2008) ” Nishiyama Uz? and the Expo 70′model core of a future city’: genesis and meaning “, in Commemorative Lecture at the General Meeting of the Uzo Nishiyama Memorial Library, May, Kyoto「未来都市のコアを示すモデルとして1970年日本万博と西山夘三:起源と意味」、NPO法人西山夘三記念すまい・まちづくり文庫総会での講演、2008年5月31日
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世界エキスティックス学会 (2005-2008)
IPHS 都市計画史学会(2006-)
Third prize, Green Design Session, World Millennium Student Competition, World Congress on Environmental Design for the New Millennium, Seoul, Korea
Second prize, Concurso Latino Americano de Projetos Estudantis de Arquitetura Bioclimatica, 1a Bienal “Jos? Miguel Aroztegui”, Fortaleza, Brazil